There are reports of WhatsApp and the Revoke feature being tested for the past several months by Whatatsapp. However, the company has not rolled out this feature in a stable version so far. Now the feature that returns the message has been introduced in the Beta version of What'sapp for Android and iOS. This indicates that the feature is no longer very far from the common user's access.
Whatsapp Message Recall Feature Reportedly Being Tested News
WABetainfo has reported that Whatsapp is testing the recall feature 'Delete for everyone' on Android and iOS apps. In this report, sources have claimed that now a contact will get the facility to delete the message sent by mistake to the reader before it can be deleted. It is reported in WABetainfo that a separate Recall server has started working now and the message is being successfully deleted. However, this feature is not currently available for most users, and wait-throughs for the feature to be released by the WhatsApp user. Screenshots released by WABetainfo are not clear how this feature will work. But it has been mentioned that when Android and iOS delete the Sender Message, the message will also be deleted from the Notification panel.
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Earlier this year, Whatsapp released the Recall feature for the Windows Beta app. The Wi-Fi beta version on Windows Phone introduced the multi-expected recall feature in 2.17.218. The preview of the feature of editing and deleting or recalling messages sent in the old report was found on the Beta version of Whatsapp Android App. Android version 2.12.22 and 2.17.26 of Whatatsapp were present in the edit and review feature.
Apart from the edit option, as we said, WhatsApp will now get a 'Revoke' button. Which means that the message to be sent will now be deleted. However, it is expected that this feature will work if the receiver has not seen the message. Right now, WhatsApp users can only delete messages in their device but the message keeps showing the receiver. The incoming edit or the revoke feature will appear on the long press on the message to be sent.
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